2 min readSep 6, 2021


📣News of the last week

As usual, we sum up the week and recall the main news on Minto.

🌿Monthly report

We have made a monthly report about the work done and project achievements in August. The report is available in our Medium. There you will learn about presale, online broadcasts from the data center, the green mining model, and the article about it, and our partnership with Huobi Global.

🌿Market research

Mining complexity has grown 16,5 trillion times since Bitcoin’s origin. The complexity of mining reached its peak in May 2021 when it hit 25T, followed by a drop to 13,67T.

The drop was caused by the mining ban in China as well as the active miners’ migration to other regions.

🌏Some merits for ecology: Chinese miners used the energy of thermal power stations. On the contrary, today`s miners use renewable electricity.

Nowadays, we witness the growing complexity of mining, which means the industry is recovering from Chinese events.

🌿Mining industry and opinion leaders

There are several trends in the mining industry.


Companies relocate mining equipment from China to other parts of the world.

☘️Green Energy

Mining is switching to renewable energy, reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.


Due to relocation, the mining equipment will not be located in one country but worldwide.

Elon Musk`s posts had a significant influence on BTC mining. In May of this year, he announced that the Tesla company would not accept BTC as payment as long as BTC mining harms the environment. After his statement, the BTC rate dropped by 10%, which pushed to review the concept of using energy for mining.

🌿All you need to know about Minto

Minto represents a new stage of cloud mining, where you not only receive mining rewards but also make money on trading. The BTCMT token enables all these opportunities.

1 BTCMT token is equal to 0,01 TH/s, and the current mining capacity of the data center is 50000 TH/s, so token emission is 5000000.

The token`s price is $1,72, special price in presale is $1,5.

We adhere to a green economy model, preserving the environment.

🌿Learn more about the project and feel free to ask any questions on our social media:






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